This book was 5-star material all the way up until the big reveal at the end, when you first find out "whodunnit". That's when the story lost steam and credibility, in my humble opinion. But first, let's focus on everything that was right with this novel...
From the offset, the plot moved at a reasonable pace and was believable. Despite her frustrating tendency to revel in her trusty pill addiction and thus become an unreliable narrator at times, Mia is one hell of a kickass protagonist! She's clever (much more so than Wayoata's dim-witted police force) and is funny. Oh, my gosh is she funny! I loved her snarky sense of humour, which came through her first-person narrative. She was a likeable character when she wasn't popping pills and acting like a crazy person, but it was all to clear her brother's name and locate him whereabouts.
The story was really interesting and the characters all came across as untrustworthy. Everyone became a suspect, which I liked. I thought the writing was brilliant as well. Mia's character was developed very well throughout the novel, and I found myself cheering her on.
But the ending was a little too bizarre. It didn't seem very realistic to me, hence the four-star rating. I wasn't very keen on it. I could compare it to another popular thriller (it's eerily similar), but that would give away the ending, so I'll keep quiet. After getting 50% through the ARC, I wondered how anyone could have awarded this book less than 5 stars, but I'm thinking it's for the same reason - the ending sort of ruined the story. But I still think this is a fantastic thriller.
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