About Me

Serial book binger and reviewer.


I'm a pint-sized book fiend from London, England, dabbling in literary criticism here on my blog. What I lack in height, I make up for with my ever-growing, To-Be-Read pile, which is dangerously close to toppling over at this very moment! Despite my better judgement, I'm a compulsive book hoarder and can never resist the urge to add to my impossibly long reading list, so if you would like to send me recommendations or ARCs to review, I'm all ears.

When I'm not playing Jenga with my TBR pile, you can find me here, waxing lyrical about the latest and creepiest psychological thrillers, romances and YA fiction. I'm also a copy editor by day, dabbling in a little writing myself.

You can read my reviews here on my blog. I also post them on Goodreads, NetGalley and Edelweiss+.
